Associate Professor Dr Ong Hooi Tin
Clinical Associate Professor Dr Lee Bee Sun

On behalf of the organizing committee, we welcome everyone to our 4th MK FMHS International Conference 2023, which takes place on 18 th – 19 th September at The Everly Hotel, Putrajaya Malaysia. Being a biennial event, this year marked the fourth conference organized by the M. Kandiah Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (MK FMHS), UTAR, Malaysia. This fourth edition of the conference is made more meaningful as it was organized in collaboration with the new UTAR Hospital, in Kampar, Perak.

Over the years, we have seen the tremendous development in cell therapy, translating it into a therapeutic “product” in multiple areas, such as generative medicine, immunotherapy and cancer therapy. In line with this year’s theme “Harnessing the Power of Cell Therapy: Advances from Bench to Bedside,” we have decided to pull together a comprehensive scientific programme ranging from different types of cell therapy to its therapeutic clinical benefits.

The organizing committee has worked tirelessly months prior to the event to try to make this year’s conference a successful one. We are also honored to be able to invite so many eminent and experienced speakers, both locally and internationally to speak in the conference, sharing their knowledge.

We hope that this conference will provide an excellent opportunity for researchers, clinicians, and industry professionals to come together to network, exchange ideas and discuss the latest research findings in cell therapy. We also hope that the conference will stimulate new collaborations and partnerships that will further enhance the development and translation of cell therapy into clinical practice. Lastly, we would like to express our gratitude to our sponsors and partners for their support in making this event possible.

We look forward to an exciting and fruitful conference ahead!

With warm regards,


Organising Chairperson & Co-Chairperson
Associate Professor Dr Ong Hooi Tin
Clinical Associate Professor Dr Lee Bee Sun